Appointment scheduler

Appointment scheduler

Ask questions

Collect answers in Google Spreadsheet

Automatically schedule Calendly appointment

Get free template ->

How it will look like

Watch a short 2 min demo

What's included


Ask questions

Collect answers to important questions

Save data

Save responses to your questions in Google Spreadsheet

Schedule calls

Allow prospects schedule a call with you via Calendly

Some more info

Which features are included

Define questions you want to ask

Save answers in Google Spreedsheet

For people who qualified offer to schedule a Calendly appointment

What you will get

Link to the ManyChat template that you can copy

PDF file with installation instructions

Loom video with installation instructions

Email support

How to install

Copy the ManyChat template

Make sure you have Calendly subscription

Follow the video instructions to install the template

Want to try this template?

Get free template ->

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