Featured projects

Here are some examples of our previous work

AI assistant for
Real Estate

AI assistant for
Real Estate

LLM-powered chatbot with complex backend integrations.

LLM-powered chatbot with complex backend integrations.

Implemented using Rasa & LLMs

NLU & Generative AI

Connected with 106+ websites

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AI assistant for
Mental Health

AI assistant for
Mental Health

LLM-powered chatbot with complex conversation design.

LLM-powered chatbot with complex conversation design.

Implemented using VoiceFlow & LLMs

Hybrid approach (generative AI & buttons)

Integrated with the website

Delivered in 2 months

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Chatbot for HR

Chatbot for HR

Button-based chatbot with multple automatisation workflows.

Implemented in ManyChat

Connected with Calendly & Google SpreadSheets

Integrated with Facebook Messenger

Delivered in 3 weeks

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